Team Bel Air Student Form
Hi Parent,

Thank you for your interest in our martial arts program. Please fill out this form so I can learn more about your child. This allows me to better understand their individual needs and set them up for success if our program is a fit. Your information will not be shared and remain confidential.

If you have already filled out this form with all the pre-requisites met, you can:
- book your child's 1-on-1 here
- book your child's free trial here

For any questions or comments, contact me at

- Coach Alex

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Your Full Name *
Phone *
Zip Code *
How did you hear about us?  *
If applicable, indicate who referred you to us.
Child's Full Name *
School *
Favorite Activities and Interests *
Most Disliked Activities
Past sport activities *
List sport activities in which your child participated in the past year, and describe his/her overall experience.
Current sport activities *
List current sport activities, and describe his/her overall experience.
Strengths *
Ex: personality traits, social, language, literacy, math and logic, study, sport, art, ...
Profile - Additional Comments
Anything else that you want us to know (Ex: health, routine schedule, character traits,  relationship with parents/siblings/teachers, important life events)
Do you consider your child as neurodivergent or needing more support? *
Please answer Yes if you child has a diagnosis/suspected diagnosis (ex: ASD, ADHD, Anxiety, Sensory, Trauma, ...) or/and is currently attending therapy.
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