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May 31, 2020

Best practices for parents

Before class

  1. Help them get enough sleep and breakfast before class especially during this time where their schedule has most likely changed.
  2. Discuss the upcoming class (ex: share with them how proud you are, remind them about the importance of exercising or learning to defend themselves, tie their effort in class with an incentive…)
  3. Ensure that the training area is safe and free of distractions (ie: toys, electronics, pets)
  4. Join class 5 mins early to set everything up (ie: enter your child’s first name on the zoom) and most importantly give them time to stop what they are currently doing and transition to class. They will also be able to see and chat with their teammates before class starts. 
  5. Position the phone/tablet/computer device in a way that when they stand up in the middle of their training space we can see the floor and their feet, 1 step in any direction. If your child isn’t comfortable being seen, they are welcomed to turn off their video and microphone. We will simply not be able to provide feedback.


  1. Join and participate in class with your child if they agree. We simply ask parents to train on the side so other students can’t see you since not every parent is available to participate. Another alternative is to simply cheer them on.


  1. Praise them for their effort and ask them about the class (ie: what they enjoyed, learned or felt that was difficult; who was in class; who taught the class; anything they want to share)
  2. Train with them outside of our classes. Spotlight their skills. Open the app and have them choose activities they want to do. Keep it playful and not try to coach. 
  3. Share with us any feedback to make our online classes more engaging and fun. Send us any concerns or comments they have. 


Rules for students

  1. Wear your uniform. You can ask permission to remove it during class if needed.
  2. Stay in your training area during the entire class. Go to the restroom before class if needed. (ie: can’t just leave class)
  3. Respect the coaches and other teammates by paying attention (ie: Look, be quiet and listen)(ie: no time to play around with something else)
  4. Train hard. You can slow down if it is too difficult but do your best to not stop. If you need an additional break, sit correctly and watch the class.(ie: no sleeping time)
  5. Do not touch your video device or other objects that aren’t needed during class (ie: Do not touch your video device or other objects that aren’t needed during class)